Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Biased towards Evolution

This is slowly but steadily turning into a religious blog. Who would have thought?

To continue on from where I stopped earlier, please check out this awesome video that gives a really nice insight into how early spread and deeply rooted the believes in creationism are in some communities in the U.S.
"54 Million people do not believe in evolution"

I mean, most schools here are not even allowed to teach evolution and then the parents/these preachers teach creationism to the kid.
I love the quote, "It makes sense, it's just easy to explain to your children."

The danger is not just that it's totally fucking crazy to declare "war" or science or say evolution is a religion, but that kind of thinking promotes a irrational, simplified, black and white world view. And that from the earliest ages on.

That is just really dangerous and leads to a set back in human evolution. Oh wait. Evolution is bullshit, so progress is bullshit.
The bible says it all, so let's build a little house, praise the lord, go to heaven, and pity the fool who will most certainly end up in hell.

Hell will be fucking packed with an awful lot of awesome folks and heaven will be a stinky place with douche-bags that ended up being right. Fuck that!

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