Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This is going to explode!

OMG... What is!?

This Blog, at least I think so. At least for a couple of weeks.

For a religion class I am currently reading Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion". And I have to say I love it quite a bit. Everyone in the world should read it.

For now I will just quote something he quotes, that I think is very double-quotable.

Talking about the whole Muhammed-cartoon issue in 2005/2006 he quotes journalist Andrew Mueller talking about the assumptions of religion/Islam:

"the values of Islam trump anyone else's - which is what any follower of Islam does assume, just as any follower of any religion believes that theirs is the sole way, truth and light. If people wish to love a 7th century preacher more than their own families, that's up to them, but nobody else is obliged to take it seriously..."

... Or a 0th century preacher...?

Here are some interesting stories I never heard about before:

Religion as a legitimization for drug use -

Tolerating religious values taken a little too far -

More passages and interesting thoughts will follow.

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