Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Favorite Quote of the Week

"Anyone who believes cannot experience miracles. By day one cannot see any stars."
- Kafka

I wish I had the patience and self-discipline to do this every week. But I don't, so I am not even going to try. But maybe I will. Probably not.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

If we all pull together...

... maybe we can:

Restore Stephen - fucking - Baldwin!

Because he talks about god, give him money!
He filed for bankruptcy because secular-monkey-ass Hollywood made him be 2 1/2 million dollhairs in debt.

Also... he has a Hannah Montana Tattoo on his left shoulder and thus might need 2 1/2 million $ + a Tattoo removal. 
(I couldn't make this shit up if I tried really hard AND/OR had Stephen Baldwin's drug-dealer)