This provoked me to think about "the weirdest/craziest thing I ever heard about." It was also religion related and came as a little revelation (sarcasm, maybe) to me. Most certainly do I believe that there are a lot of crazy people, cults, and communities out there. They do crazy stuff and embrace their crazy s*** as super awesome pastime activities. But are those crazy things (killing each other, killing their children, eating each other - get as crazy as you want, let your mind wander and I bet someone or even some group did it) the "craziest things I ever heard about?"
Nope, because the premise for this to happen is that there are a couple of kooks out there that unite to do some crazy s***tuff (I just really feel like conforming to the American censorship of language and not swear so much right now). As mentioned above, it's a given that there are some nuts out there. So, do these lunatics and their actions surprise me? Maybe the creativity they come up with new s*** to do, but that's about it. Every toddler has access to the internet and can read up all the crazy s***, nothing new most of the times. So, what are "the craziest things I ever heard about?"
I quickly (much quicker than it took me to write those last two paragraphs or it took you to read them) came to the conclusion that my motivation for many posts in this blog are due to the craziest s*** I ever heard about. It's the creationists and literal-truth-of-the-bible movement. The craziest s*** I ever heard about has to be based on more than just some few lunatics, because that might be totally out of the social norm, but - as mentioned - enacted by nut-jobs. The creationist movement is a huge movement that - in large parts - consists of fairly well educated individuals with the ability for critical though processes (when it comes to anything BUT religion). It is deeply rooted in a 21st century, 1st world country that happens to be considered to be one of the prime examples of industrial evolution ("Evolution!" Oh, sweet irony). One of the - maybe the - most powerful countries in the world.
1/3 of this industrialized, highly educated people embraces a view as "the absolute truth" that has been disproven for more than 150 years and was strongly in doubt several years before it's Episode II was even written (6th century BCE).
Ultimately I think that how "crazy" something is has to be measured not only by how much it contradicts our current perception of what a social norm is (I do think eating each other is more crazy than believing in a being that makes stuff appear. Whenever, wherever, without any proof except an old book) but also by how many people follow it.
My formula for overall general craziness of an action/belief goes something like this:
Degree of Craziness = [(Number of People Involved + Number of People Killed) * Discord with Social Norms] - Weighted Scientific Evidence that Actions/Beliefs were/are Necessary for Society
You can see how in my - I think - fairly rational formula many crazy actions quickly move towards a freakin' high degree of craziness. At first I wanted to divide by the "Scientific Evidence" factor, but then thought better of it, as most even just moderately crazy stuff would be considered "impossibly crazy" as we would have to divide by "0."
So let's test the formula with an example!
30 alien-loving cult members kill themselves on the roof of a skyscraper on New Year's 99-2000.
Discord with Social Norms (Standardized scale of 1-10, 10 being highest discord) - Killing oneself:
7 - pretty crazy, but not excessively punished by law.
Number of people involved:
Number of people killed:
Scientific Evidence:
0 - fairly indiscernible right now, but so far I think it's fair to assume that there was/is/will be not a lot of evidence supporting this to be the way to awesomeness.
[(30 + 30) * 7] - 0 = 420
From this first experiment I would say that anything above 100 can be considered pretty crazy.
Very scientific, I know.
I will leave you with this for now. I encourage anyone and anything to try this formula and see if you can come up with interesting results, prove it totally wrong, or improve it!
Also, I encourage an exercise of the mind... looking at how crazy the "literal Christians" movement is. Don't forget to include empirical data of the last couple millennia. As soon as I have another hour to spare, I will try to write a post looking at that.
wt*. ***** ** **** **** * *** **** ******** ** *** ****** ** ** **** ******. ***** * ***** ******* *** **** ***. Very much that.
ReplyDeleteAlso, remainSane has a Crazy Factor lower than 9000? IMPOSSIBLE!
Well, considering that we have approx. 1.000 people involved, 20 killed, a discord of 10, and 3 scientific evidences that we are the real thing, our crazy factor is:
OVER 9000!
What up Mo?
ReplyDeleteThrough your inconspicuous advertisement for your blog on various internet platforms I'll ended up here and I must admit I had fun reading this post - at least you got more to say than 'today I went to the beach - the beach is awesome! Check back next week'; so I give you some props here.
And it got me thinking:
So I'm totally with you, sayings like 'that is the craziest thing i've ever heard' are ridiculous because they are of no matter and are nothing but demagogic. And it is actually an interesting thought: How can you operationalize a highly subjective term such as 'crazy'.
Your formula is a good starting point, but here are some problems:
1. Open scale: Possible results go from 0 to infinite, that means it gives not indication of how crazy something is, all you can say is: That is crazier than this.
2. Number of People Involved + Number of People Killed: Correlated to 1.: That makes everything with a high number of people involved crazier than something with less people. I know that is the point you want to prove, that being Christian (and I don’t mean myself in the direct sense) is a fucking crazy thing with 2 billion members today and I don’t know how many kills (more than Robocop 2 at least …). But if we take that a step further: Being human is the craziest ever! 6,7 billion + all the kills from the Christians, the Muslims and all those other crazy folks! Being human is absolutely bananas!
3. Discord with social norms: A must have, but has to be defined. Saying killing oneself is a 7 because it is ’not excessively punished by law’ … well, you know … who do you want to punish for suicide? Christianity had a way by not allowing suicides to be buried on a cemetery … but you get the point.
4. Weighted scientific evidence that actions/beliefs were/are necessary for society: Sorry but sounds great - doesn’t say shit. Weighted is always a nice filling word but you are not weighting anything. And what means ‘necessary for society’? It seems like that number will always be either 0 or 10. 0 if there is no prove or 10 if there is a prove. In your example: If those 30 alien-loving-freaks would have been right, well then they would have been slightly less crazy in your formula, been in reality they would not have been crazy at all. I mean if Jesus comes out of a ray of light in your room and soccer punches you, you’ll probably change your mind about the craziness of Christianity – you can not say that the truth is crazy (and I want to add – ‘cause I always wanted to use that – you can’t handle the truth!).
Let’s try if we can fix this … I’ll be back
I agree, and I was or started to be aware of most of the points you are raising. I just wanted to throw it out there as a starting idea and see where it takes me. :)
ReplyDelete1. I agree but I like the open scale. Because there is only a "craziest thing I ever heard" on a personal scale. If you make it grand you can't make it "top out" at a certain point, because you don't know if something objectively crazier will come around.
2. I see the same problem but don't know how to fix it right now. I also don't like that kills weigh as much as people involved.
3. I obviously meant a failed suicide attempt, not a successful, but I know what you are saying. How about rephrasing "discord with social norms" into more general/scientific terms such as "could it be a universal social norm" (Kant) or more genetic, "does it hinder survival"? Which would be a 0/1 scale. Maybe we can work of that...? Ideas? I would like for it to have degrees.
4. I don't think of scientific evidence as a 0-10 scale. Let me explain:
Evolution: # of biological/physical scientific proofs on the most basic scale (such as carbon dating, fossils, aso.). The number will go to several 10.000s really fast.
Creationism: 0
Other than that, I see the same problems. Maybe you have some more ideas?
Thanks for your input. And stop those Texas-leaguers. :)