Friday, June 26, 2009

Who is more scary?

I am back in Germany. Hooray!

Still, here I am currently watching a video from a TV show called "Fault Lines."

As my theme here has steadily been religion in the U.S. from my viewpoint and from what I hear and think about I absolutely had to quickly write about this.

Here is a link to part 1 of the episode:

It is about the indoctrination of religious extremists in the U.S. military and I think it is a legitimate question to ask...

Is a world power with the largest military capabilities (by far) and christian extremists deeply entrenched in it's rows more scary/dangerous
A group of terrorizers (yeah, I just watched Harold and Kumar - Escape from G.B. again... it was on TV give me a break!) that has neither the financial means nor the amount of "soldiers" to be a real threat to a whole country? (<-- the long awaited questionmark. 2 years of almost exclusively writing english still are unable to keep me from writing irresponsible, reader-killing, ridiculously sentences like this one right here right now. Thanks for reading.)

9/11 was horrible, vicious, despicable, and totally evil.

But I am scared that western civilization is quietly accepting (or not moving against) a religious extremist movement that proclaims their way (namely evangelical Christianity) as the "right" one and the other (Islam) as the wrong one.
And that also is horrible, despicable, evil, and really fucking stupid. It's another prime example of the "black and white"-world that I have been pointing out as so dangerous in earlier posts.

This time it's really actually dangerous physically and not just a totally messed up mind set.

Maybe more later. Right now I am watching in awe and with a scaringly high amount of non-surprisedness (yeah, I can make up words. So what? I am German. We do it all the time.).

Post scriptum:
Currently I am wondering if there is a function that will enable the average reader who is sick of my paranthesis-comments to just blend them out automatically? Maybe I just invented the NEXT GOOGLE/YOUTUBE/TWITTER/FILL IN THE BLANK ______.
A giant new awesome thing that everyone will totally use all the time and I can then sell to some company like Yahoo or Microsoft or (preferably) Apple for like approx. $2.5 billion.

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