So, I have not really been updating like I wanted.
I hate introductory sentences like that. They are such a fucking turnoff.
Right now I am working on an interesting project for a class. A 5 minute documentary about deaf students and deaf athletes.
I hope I will be done with the editing by next week and then I will put it up on YouTube and some webspace and share it with you guys!
Other than that, we have 4 conference games left and our chances of making it into the conference tournament are dim, but we are not eliminated just yet.
Yesterday I went lifting with a good friend of mine. We chatted about geography (for whatever reason), and he told me he hasn't had geography since 6th grade. So I made him draw a map of the world.
Besides forgetting Australia completely, still dividing Germany in west and east and putting it into north-central Russia, and drawing Mexico bigger than all of Europe, his map was actually surprisingly accurate for 6th grader knowledge. I wish I had a scanner.
By any means, I ain't no geography master myself. I think my major knowledge of the shape and location of the continents comes from Risk. Still I found his map amusing and had to share this.
OKC's Sam Presti is an overrated draft savant
10 months ago
Sixth grade's about right. That's when we stopped, too, which is a travesty. About the time America decided to focus too much on standardized testing... I took a Geography class about four years ago in community college and it was an eye-opener, to say the least. The stuff I didn't know (and still don't, due to a lack of repetition)...