Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Binary's Prayer

Our Internet in www.,
Hallowed be your URL,
Your websites come,
Your bandwidth be done,
On PCs as on Macs.
Give us today our daily bytes.
Forgive us our MySpace-accounts
as we forgive facebook-chat downtime.
And lead us not unto LimeWire
But deliver us from Torrents.

For thine is the webspace,
and the broadband, and the FTPs,
for ever and ever.

[I wrote this in a facebook note a couple of weeks ago. Needs to be on my blog!
I bet there is one like this already written somewhere. Which affirms the beauty of our web.
I felt like I needed to write one anyways.]

Monday, April 20, 2009

MoRants - Global Warming!?

For the people that are on facebook:
This is the same as the facebook note.

I think I will start a series called "MoRants" where I rant about different topics that I give a minor or major fuck about. Everyday I am surprised by the way my name lends itself to be mushed into nice phrases or themes. (People that are my friend on MySpace can account for that due to my ridiculously awesome nickname MoSpace)

MoRant 1.1 - Here we go:

So, we still haven't been swept from this planet due to massive floods.
Actually, the weather still seems pretty fucking normal.

While I was driving through the Kansas countryside (endless), I thought about this again.
If we really influence weather that much, if we are really able to influence it negatively, shouldn't we start to be able to influence it positively? No, because the scale is waaaaaaaayyyy to fucking big. We can't build even close to a big enough A/C. We actually already have issues heating/cooling stadiums properly.

Then I thought about how 71% of the earth is covered with water. So... 29% is land... awesome math! I couldn't find an exact number of how much of that is covered by civilization. But 1/8 of the earth surface is inhabitable by humans. That means, we can - theoretically - occupy 12.5 % of the earth! That's not a lot. It's a small piece of the pie were we even live.

What also is not a big part of the earth, is the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere.
0.038% of the atmosphere is made up of CO2.
Interestingly enough, 95% of the CO2 that gets send up to those 0.038% is absolutely natural and has nothing to do with humans what-so-ever. While the existence of CO2 is important for the greenhouse effect, it does not drive temperature. And... it's a really fucking small percentage of the atmosphere.

See some of my slides that I did for a environmental literature class attached.

My main source is Wikipedia. I know that it's not a legitimate source, but I dare (or actually ask) you to prove me wrong with more legit sources.

I think the biggest issue about this is, that many western nations spent billions to cut their emissions (I don't like emissions, don't get me wrong) while people all over the world still starve to death. Really... what are our fucking priorities here?

Next time in "Mo rants about the world":

Why the U.S. needs 5.500 nuclear warheads when it takes around 40 to kill every living thing on earth!
(+ "Between 1940 and 1996, the U.S. spent at least $5.8 trillion (in 1996 dollars) on nuclear weapons development. [...] $365 billion was spent on nuclear waste management and environmental remediation.")

Sunday, April 19, 2009

East/West Germussia

So, I have not really been updating like I wanted.
I hate introductory sentences like that. They are such a fucking turnoff.

Right now I am working on an interesting project for a class. A 5 minute documentary about deaf students and deaf athletes.
I hope I will be done with the editing by next week and then I will put it up on YouTube and some webspace and share it with you guys!

Other than that, we have 4 conference games left and our chances of making it into the conference tournament are dim, but we are not eliminated just yet.

Yesterday I went lifting with a good friend of mine. We chatted about geography (for whatever reason), and he told me he hasn't had geography since 6th grade. So I made him draw a map of the world.
Besides forgetting Australia completely, still dividing Germany in west and east and putting it into north-central Russia, and drawing Mexico bigger than all of Europe, his map was actually surprisingly accurate for 6th grader knowledge. I wish I had a scanner.

By any means, I ain't no geography master myself. I think my major knowledge of the shape and location of the continents comes from Risk. Still I found his map amusing and had to share this.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

It's Easter!

And that means, a happy Jesus Zombie Day to the whole lot of you!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Today my car turned into a Transformer.

It fulfills all criteria:
- It's big
- It's badass
- It has a badass driver
- On occasion it transforms to a giant robot that protects the world from evil

Now all it needs is a name.
Any ideas are welcome.