I know I haven't updated here for a while.
And most of you will now be wondering why I am writing in English.
Well, I want to start making this a "international" blog. Which ties in nicely with my new-found ambition to update this bitch regularly. I hope I can keep up on it.
So let me get going:
I decided to restart my Blog now, at a time where my K-key on my keyboard is broke.
How am I using it then? It is very loosely attached and might fall off any second. If it does, you will start to realize, that I am using an awful lot of words without "k" or I will replace a K with the symbol ∆ which makes no sense what-so-ever but is closely located to the spot "k" would normally be (alt+ J-key) and looks pretty fucking cool.
So far so good, K in place.
I don't know if this will turn into a long elaboration but bare with me. It might be entertaining, it might be a bunch of useless info, it might be a little of both or it might be a complete waste of time. You won't know until you've been through it.
Since my last e-Mail and/or blog update obviously a lot of things have happened. I will not even try to ma∆e an effort, as I wouldn't be able to cover nearly enough anyways.
Therefore I will just state some recent developments.
Baseball season is well on its way. It is not going well at all though. Lately we have been doing better so there is reason to believe we will be able to finish the season on a good note (isn't it incredible how rarely the ∆-letter is used in the English language, my German friends?).
Here a video of me throwing a bullpen:
School has been going fine and has been almost as easy as always.
Really nothing new there.
I have found a new little project to wor∆ on outside of school though! I am right now in the process of translating this great article into English:
I am in contact with the original author of the piece and will try to get the final translation published in some big-ass magazines/newspapers. Will see if that wor∆s out, but go big or go home... or something li∆e that.
Here a picture of me being a Jedi:
Yes, I am carrying Yoda on my bac∆ and yes, I am wearing Monty Python's ∆iller Rabbit Slippers © ®.
Awesome? Yes.
When I turned 23 I got this ca∆e from ∆atie who is awesome for giving me a birthday ca∆e:
I couldn't help but eat a piece before I too∆ a picture. In case you are really fuc∆ing stupid, it read "Baseball".
I also got a ca∆e from Chrissy, but after enjoying two pieces of it, I forgot it at her place and haven't been able to get it bac∆ since. I hope she and her roommate enjoyed it.
The biggest highlight of my recent days (and maybe my life... maybe...) was:
Yippie! Yeah! Awesome!
Here is a video I too∆ of the heroes of my never ending childhood:
I thin∆ this is more than enough for now.
I genuinely hope to be able to ∆eep you guys updated here on a regular basis.
If you seriously want to stay up-to-date with what I am doing 24/7 though, I recommend faceboo∆, where I basically spend all my wa∆ing hours, or subscribing to my Twitter (Mo9er) which I update with interesting little things as soon as interesting little things pop up.
Than∆s for reading,
PS: This is my roommates dog:
It is the only dog to ever be allowed on my arm, in my room or to even lic∆ my chin. Because it is a super cute, not stin∆y, fuc∆ing cute little dog.
All people who ∆now how much I disli∆e dogs, will understand what a big deal this is.